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Staff Recognition Awards Ceremony 2019

29th March 2019

Congratulations to all winners at our Staff Recognition Awards Ceremony.

NIAS hosted its first ever Staff Recognition Awards Ceremony on Thursday 28 March at the salubrious Hilton Hotel in Templepatrick. Attended by 150 people and guests, the event was a roaring success as nominees joined with staff who were to receive their Long Service Medals for service of 20 years or more.

Thirty two staff received the Queen’s Long Service (Emergency Duties) and Good Conduct Medal and another six received their NIAS Long Service Medal. These staff have dedicated their lives to providing the highest standards of patient care to those who need our services. The Chief Medical Officer, Dr Michael McBride, in his address praised their work and commitment to patient care. He assured them that their value and worth is recognised across the HSC family.

The Lord Lieutenant for Antrim, Mrs Joan Christie, was effusive in her praise for our crews and, as she made clear, she was doing so from the perspective of someone who has used our services.

The highlight of the night was without doubt the eagerly awaited Staff Recognition Awards Ceremony. Congratulations to each of the winners who were:


Ambulance Care Attendant of The Year (Paul Archer Award) – Diane Moody (Coleraine), receiving her award from retired NIAS Chair, Mr Paul Archer


Control Person of The Year – Adrian Steele (North Desk), receiving his award from Dr. Miriam Mc Carthy



Emergency Medical Technician of the Year – Craig Wilson (Altnagelvin), receiving his award from Dr. Michael Mc Bride, CMO



Paramedic of the Year – Caroline French (Community Paramedic, Castlederg), receiving her award from Hazel Winning, AHP Lead DOH


Support Person of the Year – Martin Mullan (North CSO), receiving his award from Nicole Lappin, NIAS Chair


Trainee of the Year – Melanie Brannen (Altnagelvin), receiving her award from Michael Bloomfield, NIAS C.Ex


Nominated by colleagues, they faced stiff competition in each of the categories as the standards were so high. All who had been nominated deserve praise as their actions have prompted someone, somewhere, to nominate them. To those who were shortlisted, you did exceptionally well and should be very proud of yourselves. But to the winners the spoils! You are the cream of the crop and thoroughly deserved the recognition you received last night.

Well done to everyone and we hope to see you all, and others, back next year.

The final presentation of the night was to Belfast EMT for an act of extreme kindness which her judging panel thought should not go unrecognised. The story was read out by Chief Executive, Michael Bloomfield who presented Noreen with a bunch of flowers which was our way of saying how proud we are of you and how you typify everything that is good about humanity and we are lucky to have you in our ranks.



Noreen Owens receiving a bouquet of flowers, in appreciation, from NIAS C.Ex Michael Bloomfield