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Congratulations to Brian Maguire, RRV paramedic, who has been honoured with the King’s Ambulance Medal in the Birthday Honours List

16th June 2023

Huge congratulations to Brian Maguire, RRV paramedic, who has been honoured with the King’s Ambulance Medal in the Birthday Honours List.Having worked in the ambulance service for 49 years, Brian is known to all and sundry in NIAS and beyond. This recognition is a testament to his care of patients and his mentoring of many younger colleagues which continues to this very day. Brian has always brought a sharp humour to the job, complementing the personal and clinical skills that he has used when treating patients at the most vulnerable times of their lives.Brian’s contribution is best summed up in the words of the colleagues who nominated him for this award.“Brian Maguire has worked with the ambulance service in Northern Ireland for 50 years, having joined the service in 1973.The early seventies were exciting times for young ambulance recruits as pre-hospital defibrillation, as pioneered by Professor Pantridge, was still very much in its infancy and Brian Maguire is the last remaining, serving member of staff to have worked along with Professor Pantridge, assisting in the resuscitation of many patients within the Belfast area who benefitted from this life-saving development.Brian, particularly in the early days of his career, also delivered pre-hospital care to many casualties who suffered horrific injuries due to bombings and shootings which were almost everyday occurrences in Northern Ireland throughout those days. Those events, including some where the death toll was among the most significant of that time, played a huge role in shaping Brian’s outlook on pain and suffering.His innate desire to improve himself and colleagues, and ultimately the outcomes of patients, led Brian to undertake additional training, both within and outside the Service. He undertook Paramedic Training in 1991, developing his already extensive skill base to ensure that patients, under his care, received the highest levels of clinical care that he could provide.Brian’s passion is obvious to all who meet him. He has always been particularly keen to provide guidance and direction to young recruits, ensuring that they remain focussed on the care of patients. His message has always been, and remains a simple one; that to be the best ambulance clinician you can be, requires a mind open to continuous learning and skill development, including communication and interpersonal skills that settle patients enough to facilitate delivery of clinical care. Brian continues his own professional development with attendance at a number of fora, where he participates fully, often leading the discussion and enabling participants to evaluate their own practice, either as Paramedics or Medical Students.Brian is a true advocate and role model for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. He has previously engaged, on a voluntary basis, with a number of sports and community groups, including St John Ambulance and mountain rescue. The benefits of this cannot be overestimated as his passion has proven to be infectious to all he comes in contact with and has helped improve communities within the greater Belfast area. He inspires people to always be the best that they can be, and to care for others. He has participated in fund raising activities to place defibrillators at the heart of the community.Within NIAS Brian has previously worked as a Paramedic Supervisor and has stepped into the role of Station Officer when requested. Having retired from his full-time role a number of years ago, Brian currently works, part-time, as a Rapid Response Paramedic.”When Brian received the news of the award he was at pains to express how he saw it as an honour, not just for himself but for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and those who work alongside him on a daily basis.NIAS is truly priviliged to have had the skill, expertise and compassion of such a dedicated person over such a prolonged period of time. We are proud of him, and for him, that he has received this award and we offer our best wishes to Brian and his family.


Click here to see what Brian had to say