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NIAS Rebuilding Services Phase 2

10th July 2020

Health Minister Robin Swann has today published the Trust rebuilding plans for July to September 2020.

The Minister said: “When I published the Rebuilding Health and Social Care Services Strategic Framework on 9 June, I was clear that increasing activity would be a significant challenge.  Covid-19 is still with us and will continue to impact on the extent to which and how we deliver health and social care services.

 “We need to increase the services as soon as possible and at the same time prepare for potential future surges.  We need to be able to maintain social distancing while delivering for the many citizens who are waiting on a procedure or a diagnosis.  I do not underestimate the challenge ahead and there will be a need to prioritise services given the significant constraints that our health and social care services continue to face.

“The public support throughout the pandemic has given strength to all of our health and social care staff.  This has helped them deliver vital services during the most challenging period ever encountered by the sector.  As we now move to increase capacity and activity, we will need to adopt a flexible and adaptable approach. I would urge the public to continue supporting our health and social care staff and show patience during this rebuilding phase.”

The document is accessible at:

NIAS Rebuilding Services Public Phase 2 Plan Final July- September 2020