Immediate action: Inform Station Officer / Line Manager and contact the IPC team for advice as soon as possible during working hours.
A risk assessment will be completed by the IPC team in connection with the Station Officer who will liaise with staff involved. This will be done in line with the current PHA guidance.
People who have not had prolonged, close contact (including classmates, friends, acquaintances, visitors to the house etc) are NOT at any greater risk than the rest of the population and do not need antibiotics. Those who have shared drinks, e-cigarettes or cigarettes with the case but have not had prolonged close contact also have no increased risks.
Chemoprophylaxis is recommended only for those healthcare workers whose mouth or nose is directly exposed to large particle droplets/secretions. This type of exposure will only occur among healthcare staff who are working close to the face of the case without wearing a mask or other mechanical protection.
Exposure of the eyes to respiratory droplets is not considered an indication for prophylaxis. Such exposure may, however, carry a low risk of meningococcal conjunctivitis and subsequent invasive disease.
Staff should seek early treatment if conjunctivitis should develop within 10 days of exposure.