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Personal and Public Involvement (PPI)

Personal and Public Involvement 

People are central to everything we do in NIAS. As an organisation, we are committed to working in partnership with the people who use and deliver our services to ensure we continue to provide safe, high quality and effective care.

What does getting involved mean?
Since 2009, all Health and Social Care organisations (including NIAS) have a legal duty to involve the people who use theirservices (i.e. patients, carers, and the public) in the planning, monitoring, development and evaluation of health services. Getting involved can take many forms including:

  • Influencing your own care and treatment (or that of someone you care for)
  • Having a say in the way services are planned and run.
  • Using your experiences and ideas to help bring about improvements to the way care is provided

The process of getting involved is often described as ‘Personal and Public Involvement’, or PPI for short. PPI is a term used to describe the active and meaningful involvement of service users, carers and the public in the planning, commissioning, delivery and evaluation of Health and Social Care (HSC) services, in ways that are relevant to them.

To find out more watch this short video:


Benefits of Getting Involved

  • Have your voice heard about areas you are interested in
  • Represent people who you care about who might have faced barriers to being heard
  • Improve the communication between people who use health services and staff
  • Help shape service delivery
  • Help the HSC achieve better health and social care outcomes
  • Improve the quality and safety of services
  • Utilise service user and carer expertise and knowledge
  • Help to inform commissioning and set priorities