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How to Make an FOI or EIR Request

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) give the general public rights of access to any recorded information held by public authorities, including the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service HSC Trust, unless a specified exemption applies.

Make a request online

EIR relates specifically to environmental information which includes information about air, water, soil, land, plants and animals, energy, noise, waste and emissions.  While there are many similarities between FOI and EIR there are some differences.  For example, unlike FOI, you may make an EIR request verbally – although we recommend that requests are made in writing so we can better understand what exactly you are wanting.  For further information about EIR please see the ICO website.

You may find that the information you are seeking is already be published by us.

If you can’t find the information you are looking for then you can submit a request to see information held by NIAS.

Making a request for information

You can make a request for information using the secure online form

Alternatively you may also make a request by emailing, faxing or writing to us.

If you wish like to request to see information held about you, please visit our Data Protection page.

What does my request need to include?

When requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act you must include the following details:

  • Your full name and contact details (address and/or email address);
  • Details of the information or documents you would like to access;
  • Your preferred method of communication with us (eg. letter or email).

It may be helpful to include a telephone contact number in case we need to clarify your information needs, and any accessibility requirements.

Please note that you don’t need to specify what legislation you are using to make a request.

Tips on how to make a successful request

The Information Commissioner provides some advice to requestors about how to make a successful request for information.

The website also provides some guidance on how to make a freedom of information request which you may find useful.

What happens next?

Once you have submitted a request, we must respond as soon as possible and within 20 working days. In some limited circumstances we may be able to extend this period for complex cases. If this is the case we will advise you of this as soon as possible and when we anticipate we will be able to respond.

Will I always get all the information I ask for?

Some information may not be given to you because it falls into an exemption (under FOI), or an exception (under EIR) from disclosure – for example because it would unfairly reveal personal details about somebody else.

Schedule of Charges

Our schedule of charges sets out our charges for providing you with information under the Freedom of Information Act, the Environmental Information Regulations and the Data Protection Act 1998.

