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Involving Our Community

There are many ways you can get more involved with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and make a difference within your community.

Community Initiatives

Personal and Public Involvement:

Personal and Public Involvement‘ is a term used to describe the active and meaningful involvement of service users, carers and the public in the planning, commissioning, delivery and evaluation of Health and Social Care (HSC) services, in ways that are relevant to them.

If you have been trained in Basic Life Support you can register as a GoodSAM Responder. You can also learn more about the Community First Responders Scheme and how you can get involved with your local community.

The Voluntary Car Service is purely a voluntary scheme which operates under the auspices of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service who maintain a register of the volunteer drivers. The service is provided by volunteers who, using their own private vehicles, transport patients from the own home address to and from Health Service facilities ie hospitals.

Community Educational Visits
For more information about Community Education Visits, please visit the Community Education section.