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10,000 Voices – your chance to influence the Future of Healthcare

12th November 2014

Patient Experience is recognised as a key element in the delivery of quality healthcare. In line with this, the Public Health Agency (PHA) is carrying out an extensive piece of work across all Health and Social Care Trusts (HSCTs), with the aim of introducing a more patient-focused approach to services and shaping future healthcare in Northern Ireland.

This project, called ‘10,000 Voices‘, gives patients and staff, as well as their families and carers, the opportunity to share their overall experience and highlight anything important, such as what they particularly liked or disliked about the experience.

In partnership with the PHA, the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) is seeking patient stories between now and the end of March 2014. The aim is to then gather and feed back the views of local patients on issues relating to the planning and funding of health services.


Liam McIvor, NIAS Chief Executive, launching the initiative, said;

“I support the 10,000 voices initiative and welcome the opportunity to introduce another means by which we hear directly from those who use our services so that we can listen and learn, and apply that learning to improve our service.”

Doctor David McManus, Medical Director and Lead Director in this area added:
“This is an opportunity for us to hear patient stories about their experience with NIAS and use them to influence and inform the future development of the service we provide to ensure it is truly patient-centred. I would therefore commend the project to you and ask for your support. “


Members of the public, staff, service users or patients who have been or who currently use our ambulance service and who wish to participate and tell their patient story or experience from any area within Northern Ireland can either complete the survey   or request a paper version of the survey or ask for information and support by calling telephone: 028 9032 1313 ext 2497 (office hours). This can then be returned, free of charge, in the envelope provided with the survey.