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Our Christmas Giving Tree

18th December 2015


Elizabeth Reid, Lorraine Welsh, Richard McCormack, Orla O’Neill, Chris Quinn and Roisin Smyth are preparing the presents for shipping out

Staff in HQ and Control have responded magnificently to our Christmas Giving Tree appeal.

The tree in the reception area had a number of stars placed on it with details of a young person who might otherwise not have been receiving a present at this time of the year and staff were invited to take a star and replace it with present. It was absolutely amazing how quickly the stars were removed from the tree and how presents started to appear in their place.

This small gesture from all those who took part just shows that at this time of the year people are aware of how fortunate they are themselves and how grateful they are to be given the opportunity to help those in need. I hope that everyone who left a gift will take the time on Christmas Day to think that some child, somewhere has a big smile on their face because Santa didn’t forget them. You probably think it was nothing, but it will mean so much to the children and also to their parents.

Well done and thank you to you all!

Happy Christmas.