10th December 2020

Can you remember what your first day at work was like? For most people it will just slip into a mix of days to be remembered and days to be forgotten, unless something truly out of the ordinary happened.
Truly out of the ordinary – like maybe delivering a baby down the phone, would that count?
That is exactly what happened to Laura Maxwell, one of our new EMDs in our Emergency Control Room. Her first night shift would have started with a mixture of emotions – nervousness, a bit of anxiety mixed with excitement. Training was over, now for the real thing. At the start of the shift, Laura was placed under the mentorship of Kelly Burns.
Her first call came – her first call went. That was her – a real call dealt with. Not much time to rest on her laurels though, as the calls kept coming.
But by 10.30 pm events were unfolding in Co Tyrone that were going to change this nightshift into one that Laura would never forget. Declan and Gemma Louise Molloy have spent most of this year waiting on the arrival of their third child. Tonight was the night that baby Leo decided it was time to make his grand entrance – and no “making it as far as the hospital” for him nor did he fancy a home birth. Oh no. Sure it was only -4C outside, with a blanket of freezing fog. A perfect night for a road trip. Why not start out towards the hospital and see how far we get?
By midnight Laura had dealt with 10 calls and then at ten past midnight she picked up and answered another call for help. Laura was now instantly transported by phone to join Gemma and Declan in their car at the side of the road near Fivemiletown – because that is where Leo had decided it was his time.
Expertly mentored by Kelly, Laura gave clear and concise instructions to help deliver baby Leo and to ensure that everything was done correctly immediately after the birth.
The initial nervousness, anxiety and excitement and the experiences of her first ten calls had all led to this moment for Laura – a moment I am sure she will treasure throughout all the years we hope she spends with us.
A huge well done to Laura and to Kelly and indeed to the everyone in the control room, as everything really is a team effort in there.
Mother and son are doing really well and are very appreciative of Laura and Kelly for the calm way they handled everything, providing the reassurance and support they needed while waiting on a dark isolated country road until the ambulance crew arrived and took over.
Isn’t it great to get a chance to spread a little cheer.