21 November 2017Ambulance crew threatened with imitation firearm
A male has been arrested and charged after threatening an ambulance...
16 October 2017Systems Testing in Ambulance Control Room 18 October 2017
In order to facilitate essential maintenance and testing within Emergency Ambulance...
07 September 2017Accredited Centre of Excellence (ACE)
On Tuesday 05 September 2017, Jerry Overton, President of the International...
02 August 2017Air Ambulance NI Presented to the Public
Today, Northern Ireland’s Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) was presented to...
20 June 2017George Stott: Recipient of Queen’s Ambulance Medal
You may have seen from our Twitter feed at the weekend...
28 April 2017Appropriate Use of Our Service
Every day the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service deals with in excess...
21 April 2017Ambulance Crew Assaulted While Attending Patient
An ambulance crew was assaulted in Trillick last night by a...
04 April 2017Ambulance Frontline and Control Staff Abused Over the Weekend
Over the weekend, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service crews and control staff...
28 March 2017Kelly McKee: Ireland Dispatcher of the Year 2017
NIAS nominated five Emergency Medical Dispatchers for awards at the recent...
08 February 2017Eddie Murphy Receives National Recognition for Services to Patients
NIAS is delighted to report that, last night, at...