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NIAS Crew Praised by Grateful Father on U105

14th November 2016

Ambulance at Emergency DepartmentRRV Paramedic Ricky Bendall and Bangor A&E crew Ian Watty and Aynsley McKim received public praise this morning on local radio station, U105, from a very grateful father Aaron Duffy for their quick actions and care following a horrific incident at his home yesterday afternoon. He has a 5 year old son, Reilly, with Down’s Syndrome who managed to get himself into a tumble dryer at home. When the door closed the machine switched on automatically.

Reilly’s mum was upstairs and Aaron himself was out of the house. The alarm was actually raised by the family’s pet dog. Reilly’s mum came down to find out what the noise was about and was horrified to see Reilly in the tumble dryer.

The RRV was on scene within 6 minutes and was followed by the crew. Reilly was taken to the Ulster Hospital at Dundonald and is now recovering well.
His dad just wanted to go on air and thank the crews, along with the medical staff at the Ulster, but also to warn other parents of the dangers and the need to be very careful. Today, Reilly is back to his old self and we will maybe get him a wee visit to the station next week.

His dad also thought that it was very nice of Ricky, Ian and Aynsley to put their head round the curtain to check how Reilly was getting on when they arrived back at the hospital on later calls.

A massive well done to all three of you!

You can listen to Aaron speaking on the Frank Mitchell show by following the link: